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Video: Obama Interview with BBC (1 June)

Related Post: Audio of Obama Interview with National Public Radio (1 June)

Before setting off for the Middle East and Europe, President Obama gave the British Broadcasting Corporation's Justin Webb 15 minutes on Monday. Webb's questions were surprisingly challenging, but Obama was able to speak in general platitudes about the need for a US explanation about its "hunt for extremists" to the Muslim world, for a two-state Israel-Palestine solution, and "for Iran to set aside ambitions for a nuclear weapon". Still, there was one significant passage --- which we'll analyse in a separate post --- where Obama called on Arab States to make concessions so Israel would engage in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority and other countries.

Reader Comments (5)

Obama... the artful dodger?

June 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKarina

"Still, there was one significant passage — which we’ll analyse in a separate post — where Obama called on Arab States to make concessions so Israel would engage in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority and other countries"

Looking forward to it!

June 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDave


Coming on Wednesday as a special preview analysis of Obama's Cairo speech!


June 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScott Lucas

I have a master's degree in psychology and did I just hear Obama Freudian slip up and almost say "They have a President whose, uh family is a Muslim"?. He almost acknowledged he is a Muslim. He changed his name to an Islamic name which is a big signal and a huge commitment to Islam. Also bowing to the Saudi King. It is mandated in that part of the world that all Muslims are to bow to their Kings and High Clerics. So I am not sure what the hell is going on here. I hope that my training in human behavior is fooling me because if it is not we are in real trouble.

June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle Richardson

@Michelle - I think he says, "We've got a president who's got family members who are Muslim..." I don't see any Freudian slips there, just a statement of fact.

It's about 1m 45s into the video if anyone else is interested.

June 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike Dunn

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