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Entries in Israel (55)


Israel: Ruling Out Syrian Talks and Turkish Mediation?

DANNY_AYALONSpeaking on Tuesday at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said the peace talks between Israel and Syria under Turkey's mediation was a "mistake" because Syria not only "fooled" the international community to avoid further isolation but also harmed Turkish-Israeli relations:
Looking back today, we can say that the Turkish mediation was a mistake, as it affected the relations between us. Therefore, there is a need to separate between relations between countries and relations with the entire region.

Ayatlon added that Turkish-Israeli relations will be continue to be good "as this is the interest of both sides."

Israel and Britain: The Reaction to the Livni Arrest Warrant
Middle East Inside Line: Israel Plays “Rope-a-Dope” with Turkey

It appears that, to break the pressure of the Damascus-Ankara  line to continue peace talks, Israel will ofer a hand to Turkey and draw an "evil" Damascus. This would not only help Israeli decision-makers convince the Israeli public about  the "just" reasons of turning down peace talk offers but seek to repair damaged Israeli-Turkish relations after the Gaza War last December-January.

But how will Ankara react?


Israel and Britain: The Reaction to the Livni Arrest Warrant

081020_livniHaving denied initially that a British court had issued an arrest warrant for former Foreign Minister and current Leader of the Opposition Tzipi Livni, Israel shifted to condemnation on Tuesday. Livni told the BBC:
What needs to be put on trial here is the abuse of the British legal system. This is not a suit against Tzipi Livni, this is not a law suit against Israel. This is a lawsuit against any democracy that fights terror.

At a press conference in Tel Aviv, she continued, "Israel must do what is right for Israel, regardless of judgements, statements and arrest warrants. It's the leadership's duty, and I would repeat each and every decision."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the warrant "an absurdity" and declared:
We will not accept a situation in which [former Israeli Prime Minister] Ehud Olmert, [Defence Minister] Ehud Barak and Tzipi Livni will be summoned to the defendants' chair.

We will not agree to have Israel Defence Force soldiers, who defended the citizens of Israel bravely and ethically against a cruel and criminal enemy, be recognised as war criminals. We completely reject this absurdity taking place in Britain.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry added, "Israel rejects the cynical act taken in a British court," and summoned the British Ambassador to Israel to deliver a rebuke.

As for Britain, its diplomats quickly moved to put the British judiciary in its proper place. The Foreign Office stated, "Britain is determined to do all it can to promote peace in the Middle East, and to be a strategic partner of Israel. To do this, Israel's leaders need to be able to come to the UK for talks with the British government."Foreign Secretary David Miliband said the law allowing judges to issue arrest warrants against foreign dignitaries, without any prior knowledge or advice by a prosecutor, must be reviewed and reformed. He added, "Israel is a strategic partner and a close friend of the United Kingdom. We are determined to protect and develop these ties. Israeli leaders - like leaders from other countries - must be able to visit and have a proper dialogue with the British government."

Today on EA (15 December)

TOWN CRIERIran: Mr Azadi has written a Beginner's Guide to Moharram, and we have today's videos of university protests.

In snubbing "the Iran protester", and thus the entire Green movement, Time magazine has managed to succeed where the Iranian regime has failed.

A group of US Congressmen introduced two proposals yesterday aimed at helping people in Iran and targeting the business interests of the regime. Meanwhile, the US State Department is trying to take control of other Congressional bills pursuing strict sanctions, asking for no introduction of the measures until 2010.

All the latest news is available on our live weblog.

Israel and Britain: There's still some confusion over Britain's plans with regard to Israeli opposition chair Tzipi Livni and the UK arrest warrant issued last year.

Palestine: Will President Abbas cling to his office indefinitely?

Afghanistan: Tom Englehardt points out, through "The 9 Surges of Mr Obama's War", how the US is committed to a long-term stay in and around its military intervention.

Israel and Britain: An Arrest Warrant against Tzipi Livni?

0_61_021509_Livni_320On Monday, senior Israeli officials confirmed that a British court had issued an arrest warrant against opposition chairwoman Tzipi Livni for her role in the offensive in the Gaza Strip a year ago. British sources later added that the warrant was annulled when it was discovered Livni was not in Britain.

Livni was invited a month ago to address the Jewish National Fund UK's annual conference in London, but two weeks ago she turned down the invitation, supposedly because British Prime Minister Gordon Brown would be abroad at the time. Yesterday's news raises another possibility why she never made the journey.

Both Livni's office and the British Foreign Office rejected the reports. Livni's office said in a statement:
The opposition leader is proud of all her decisions connected to Operation Cast Lead. The operation achieved its goal of defending the people of Israel and restoring Israel's deterrence. Livni will continue presenting her view everywhere around the world.

Palestine: Abbas Clings to His Office — Indefinitely?

The Foreign Office asserted:
The UK is determined to do all it can to promote peace in the Middle East and to be a strategic partner of Israel. To do this, Israel's leaders need to be able to come to the UK for talks with the British government. We are looking urgently at the implications of this case.

Israel: Government Approves Majority of Settlements in West Bank

israel-settlementOn Sunday, the Israeli Cabinet approved the National Priorities Map by 21 votes to 5 (all the No votes from Labour members) on Sunday. This plan would transfer millions of shekels into West Bank settlements.

According to Peace Now, 91 out of 121 current settlements are on the list, including many settlements in isolated West Bank spots located beyond the security barrier. The Cabinet also decided to set up an exceptions committee that will decide within 30 days whether to add Ashkelon to the plan and whether to keep settlements east of the security fence on the map.

The Labor leader Ehud Barak criticized the vote, "I don't think that we need to award [the settlements] a prize in the form of including them in the national priority map." Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded, "We will determine the future of settlements only within the framework of a permanent agreement [with Palestinians]. This map is intended to close rifts and this time, also to bring in our security concerns."
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