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UPDATED Iran Special: The 63 Journalists in Iran's Prisons

UPDATE 9 FEBRUARY: The list has grown to 63 journalists detained with additions from Reporters Sans Frontières:

An EA correspondent has compiled the following list of 58 journalists (1 has just been released) in Iran's prisons, suppmenting the news release from the Committee to Protect Journalists with the most recent information. All but five have been detained in the post-election crisis. Unless otherwise noted, information on the detainee is in the CPJ story:

1. Adnan Hassanpour, Aso
Imprisoned: January 25, 2007

2. Mohammad Seddigh Kaboudvand, Payam-e Mardom
Imprisoned: July 1, 2007

3. Mojtaba Lotfi, freelance
Imprisoned: October 8, 2008

4. Hossein Derakhshan, freelance, blogger
Imprisoned: November 2008

5. Nader Karimi Jooni, Jahan-e-Sanat, Sharq, Gozaresh, Fekr, and Siasat-e-Rooz
Imprisoned: December 2008

6. Ahmad Zaid-Abadi, freelance
Imprisoned: June 2009

7. Omid Salimi, Nesf e Jehan
Imprisoned: June 14, 2009

8. Kayvan Samimi, Nameh
Imprisoned: June 14, 2009

9. Saeed Laylaz, Sarmayeh
Imprisoned: June 17, 2009

10. Bahman Ahmadi Amouee, freelance
Imprisoned: June 19, 2009

11. Issa Sahar-Khiz, freelance
Imprisoned: July 3, 2009

12. Massoud Bastani, Farhikhtegan and Jomhoriyat
Imprisoned: July 5, 2009

13. Marjan Abdollahian, Hamshahri
Imprisoned: July 9, 2009

14. Saeed Matin-Pour, Yar Pag and Mouj Bidari
Imprisoned: July 12, 2009

15. Reza Nourbakhsh, Farhikhtegan
Imprisoned: August 4, 2009

16. Mohammad Hossein Sohrabi Rad, Saham News
Imprisoned: September 2009

17. Mohammad Davari, Saham News
Imprisoned: September 5, 2009

18. Alireza Moghiseh, Iranian Journalists Association
Imprisoned: October 18, 2009

19. Javad Mahzadeh, freelance
Imprisoned: October 22, 2009

20. Mazdak Ali Nazari, Nasim Haraz Monthly and Journalism for Peace
Imprisoned: November 2009

21. Sassan Aghaee, freelance
Imprisoned: November 22, 2009

22. Saeed Jalalifar, Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Imprisoned: December 2, 2009

23. Saeed Kalanaki, Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Imprisoned: December 2, 2009

24. Kouhyar Goudarzi, Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Imprisoned: December 20, 2009

25. Shiva Nazar Ahari, Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Imprisoned: December 20, 2009

26. Saeed Haeri, Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Imprisoned: December 20, 2009

27. Mohammad Nourizad, freelance
Imprisoned: December 20, 2009

28. Emadeddin Baghi, freelance
Imprisoned: December 23, 2009

29. Alireza Beheshti Shirazi, Kalameh Sabz
Imprisoned: December 23, 2009

30. Arvin Sedaghat Kish, Farhang va Ahang
Imprisoned: December 27, 2009

31. Khalil Darmanki, Asr Azadegan, Shargh, Etemad-e Melli,
Imprisoned: December 27, 2009

32. Mostafa Izadi, Etemad e Melli
Imprisoned: December 28, 2009

33. Sam Mahmoudi Sarabi, Etemad
Imprisoned December 29, 2009

34. Kayvan Mehregan, Etemad
Imprisoned: December 29, 2009

35. Badressadat Mofidi, Iranian Journalists Association
Imprisoned: December 29, 2009

36. Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, Iranian Committee for the Defence of Freedom of the Press
Imprisoned: December 29, 2009

37. Abdolreza Tajik, Etemad
Imprisoned: December 29, 2009

38. Omid Montazeri, freelance
Imprisoned: December 30, 2009

39. Mahsa Hekmat, Etemad e Melli
Imprisoned: January 1, 2010
Released: February 7, 2010

40. Parisa Kakaee, Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Imprisoned: January 1, 2010

41. Mehrdad Rahimi, Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Imprisoned: January 1, 2010

42. Rouzbeh Karimi, Kargozaran
Imprisoned: January 2, 2010

43. Yadollah Eslami, Jonbesh-e-Rah-e-Sabz
Imprisoned: January 4, 2010

44. Behrang Tonkaboni, Farhang va Ahang
Imprisoned: January 6, 2010

45. Kayvan Farzin, Farhang va Ahang
Imprisoned: January 6, 2010

46. Mostafa Dehghan, freelance
Imprisoned: January 8, 2010

47. Mehraneh Atashi, freelance
Imprisoned: January 11, 2010

48. Lili Farhadpour, freelance
Imprisoned: January 21, 2010

49. Nilofar Laripour, Chelcheragh
Imprisoned: February 1, 2010

50. Omid Mehregan, philosophical website Rokhdad
Imprisoned: February 4, 2010

51. Nooshin Jafari, Etemad
Imprisoned: February 4, 2010

52. Jamileh Darolshafaie, Etemad
Imprisoned: February 5, 2010

53. Ahmad Jalali-Farahani, Mehr News Agency
Imprisoned: February 6, 2010

54. Mahsa Jazini, Iran (Isfahan)
Imprisoned: February 6, 2010

55. Akbar Montakhabi, Etemad-e Melli
Imprisoned: February 6, 2010

56. Somayeh Momeni, freelance and women’s rights activist
Imprisoned: February 7, 2010

57. Ali Kalayi, Committee of Human Rights Reporters
Imprisoned: February 7, 2010

58. Ehsan Mehrabi, Farhikhtegan
Imprisoned: February 7, 2010

59. Ali Mohammad Islampour, editor of Qasrnews blog and editor of Navai Vaghat newspaper
Imprisoned: February 3, 2010

60. Zeinab KazemKhah, arts reporter for Iranian Students News Agency

61. Amir Sadeghi, photographer Farhangh-e Ashti

62. Hassan Zohouri, Mirass Farhanghi news agency

63. Vahid Pourostad, Farhikhteghan`

Israel, Hamas, and Russia: Who is in Bed with the Bear?

In June 2009, we noted that the Netanyahu Government was trying to use the Kremlin as leverage against the pressure of the Obama Administration as it manoeuvred over the peace process with Palestine and other Arab states. And we added that Israeli officials might want to remember that the multipolar works in more than one direction: Moscow had just welcomed Palestinian Authority representatives as part of its interest in the Middle East developments.

After eight months, Moscow has found more space for its initiative, welcoming Hamas's Khaled Meshal on Monday. Amidst the inability of the Obama Administration to make headway on the peace process, Kremlin has remembered and upheld one of the actors "forgotten" by Washington and the European Union.

Middle East Inside Line: Hamas in Russia, Iran FM on “Crazy Israel”, Palestine Talks

On the one hand, this tells  the Israelis that Russia's relationship with Palestinian factions cannot be broken easily and, on the other hand, it sends a signal to Washington that Moscow's can influence the course of the process in the region. Israeli officials could not summon Moscow's Ambassador "on a lower chair" but had to send a letter of protest asking Moscow to clarify its intentions.

The Kremlin said that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was the highest-level official Meshal would meet. Its ambassador assured Israel that the visit did not signal a swing in Moscow's policy toward Hamas, and he said that Lavrov would reiterate its stance that the Islamist movement must abide by conditions to recognize Israel, give up violence, and honor past peace accords.

Meanwhile, Meshal declared:
I don't see any prospects on the Palestinian, the Syrian or any other track of the Middle East process because the Israeli leadership is a leadership of war, aggression and occupation.

It's enough that Moscow tells the world that Hamas is a movement of freedom fighters, not a terrorist group.

Middle East Inside Line: Hamas in Russia, Iran FM on "Crazy Israel", Palestine Talks

Hamas in Russia: On Monday, Hamas's Khaled Meshal was in Moscow, a guest of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov despite protests by Israel. Meshal said there was "no prospect of peace because the Israeli leadership is a leadership of war" and added, "It's enough that Moscow tells the world that Hamas is a movement of freedom fighters, not a terrorist group."

Iran FM on Israel "Crazy Nation, Crazy People": Following Ayatollah Khamenei 's statement, "Today Palestine is the symbol of life, determination, faithfulness, diligence, and dignity," Foreign Minister Manchour Mottaki jumped in: "Israel is a crazy nation run by crazy people. Therefore, we must prepare for the chance that Israel will do something crazy against everyone in the region: the Syrians, the Lebanese and the Palestinians."

Israel, Hamas, and Russia: Who is in Bed with the Bear?

Palestinian Authority on Peace Talks: With the leader of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas agreeing in principle to the U.S. proposal to hold talks with Israel, Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said Monday that renewed talks with Israel under US mediation must focus first and foremost on the issue of borders.

The talks are expected to begin on February 20, a senior Palestinian official told AFP on Monday. "These contacts will be aimed at creating a better climate and reaching an understanding on the borders of the Palestinian state, and they will begin on February 20. They will last three months, with the Americans negotiating directly with the two sides after determining a timetable and agreed-upon mechanisms for implementation," the official said.

Russia and Belarus: Solving the Dispute over Oil Supply

After a two-month dispute, Russia and Belarus have finally confirmed a deal on energy supplies, agreed to several points on oil transportation and pricing as well as security.

Belarus has an important geopolitical location for the transportation of oil from Russia to Europe, bringing in significant income. The dispute arose over a Russian demand that Belarus pay import duties. In response, Belarus threatened to cut off electiricity to Russia’s certain regions and demanded 30 metric tons of oil duty-free.

Belarus has given way, accepting Russian demands. The agreement should provide uninterrupted oil transit to Europe, preventing a repeat of a 2007 dispute that disrupted supplies to Poland and Germany.

The broader question remains, however. Will Russia play the "trump card" of energy supplies to extract further advantage from Europe and, if so, will Europe show a poker face in reply?

Iran Feature: Human Rights Round-up (1-7 February 2010)

human rights generic imageOverview

Optimism and a refusal to be cowed, bullied or intimidated: that’s the message from human rights activists this week. Despite the Iranian Regime’s best efforts to thwart the preparations for 22 Bahman --- with intimidation and coercion in the form of mass arrests of both students and journalists, continued threats to execute execute the nine “mohareb” Ashura protesters, and other propaganda --- the protests will proceed.

Iran Special: The 57 Journalists in Iran’s Prisons
The Latest from Iran (8 February): Staying with the Real Story

The Week In Brief:

Monday 1 February

  • Vahid Abedini, (University of Tehran) arrested with two others.

  • Navid Abedini, (University of Shahid Beheshti) arrested with Vahid Abedini and Esmaeel Izadi Khah (student at University of Shahid Beheshti). Reports from Kashan indicated further arrests: Mohammad Mokhtari (formerly but recently dismissed from the University of Kashan) arrested with two others who were subsequently released.

  • Shirin Alam Hooli, recently found guilty of being a member of the Kurdish opposition group PJAK, wrote a   letter “from death row” on 18 January.

  • Parisa Kakaiee, a member of CHRR and Mehrdad Rahimi, one of the Committee members arrested. Two other members, Saeed Habibi and Hesam Missaghi were not arrested, but were reportedly receiving repeated calls from officials from the Ministry of Information.

  • The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran (ICHRR) said there was no information about Mehraneh Atashi (the internationally acclaimed photo-journalist) and her husband, who remain missing, presumed detained.

Tuesday 2 February

  • ICHR reported alleged protester abuse at Mashad revolutionary courts.

  • Three civil rights activists (Reza, Mohammad and Hassan Akvanian) arrested in Yasuj (a city in South-western Iran).

  • More than one month after the arrests of Alireza Firoozi and Sourena Hashemi (student activists from Zanjan University), their whereabouts remain unknown and no-one has accepted responsibility for their arrests. However, security agents are suspected of fraudulently using their internet IDs in an attempt to elicit information from family and friends.

  • Ali-Mohammad Eslampour, Editor of the weekly newspaper Navay-e-Vaght summoned to the 9th branch of the Revolutionary Court where he was arrested by order of Judge Najjar.

  • Kayvan Samimi (MD of the now-banned Nameh Magazine, and the website Kharabat) received a six year prison sentence and a lifetime ban from political activity.

  • Amnesty International issued a statement and appeals campaign urging the Iranian authorities not to execute the nine mohareb protesters.

  • Niloofar Laripour arrested after being summoned to the Ministry of Intelligence.

  • Amnesty International launched a letter appeal campaign against student leader Majid Tavakkoli’s sentence.

Wednesday 3 February

  • Literary writer and journalist Javad Mahzadeh still held at Evin Prison, despite being given a suspended four year sentence.

  • Kaveh Ghasemi Kermanshahi, human rights activist, member of the Central Council of the Human Rights Organization of Kurdistan, and journalist, arrested at home.

  • Sahar Ghassem Nejad, Nazanin Hassan Nia, and Alireza Saghafi arrested. Sagar and Nazanin do not belong to any political organisation. Alireza is a journalist and labour rights defender.

  • Mohammad Amin Valian, member of the Central Council of Islamic Association at Damghan Science University, appeared in a show trial presided over by Judge Salavati. Mohammad was charged with: mohareb and other associated charges. He did not accept these charges in court.

  • Ardavan Ghara’ati, Karroubi’s campaign manager in Kohgilooyeh & Boyerahmad province arrested during a raid at the home of local activist Reza Akvanian, who was also arrested.

Thursday 4 February

  • Massoud Shafiee, lawyer for the three American hikers detained on the Iran/Iraq border, said he had met with the authorities who had promised him a chance to meet his clients over the coming days. They also apparently promised that the three would be permitted to call home over the coming 72 hours.

  • Bahar Tarakameh, daughter of the acclaimed author and critic, Yunes Tarakameh arrested.

  • Several arrests of those connected with internet publication Sar-e Peech : Yashar Darolshafa, Maziar Samiee, Bahar Torakemeh and Maziar Samiee.

  • Shiva Nazarahari’s mother issued a plea regarding her daughter’s ailing health and the fact that she remains in solitary confinement.

  • Student activist Eftekhar Barzegarian, transferred to Mashad’s Vakilabad Prison’s notorious ward 5.

  • The names of  seven Kurdish students arrested following a student rally at Tehran University in November released:  Ahmad Ismaili, Amanj Rahimi, Abdullah Arefi, Pakhshan Azizi, Leila Mohammadi, Sarveh Weisi and Hajhar Yousefi. Their location remains unknown.

  • Three female students from Tehran University (Sarveh Weisi, Leila Mohammadi, and Pakhshan Azizi) reportedly on hunger strike in prison for more than 8 days.

  • Mahsa Hekmat (journalist who writes for many newspapers including Etemad) released from Evin after 34 days.

  • Golnaz Tavasoli, student at Tehran’s Azad University, arrested. No information available on her whereabouts.

  • Kurdish human rights activist Kaveh Ghasemi Kermanshi, allowed to contact his family. Kermanshi arrested on 3 February and taken to an unknown location – reported to be rejecting charges being put to him.

  • Morteza Samyari, of the Advar Tahkim Vadat Organization, visited in Evin Prison by his family. An anonymous person allegedly contacted the family asserting that Samyari had been charged with mohareb.

  • News emerged from the previous Sunday (31 January) regarding University of Shiraz student, Kazem Rezaee’s  appearance at Revolutionary Court. Eyewitnesses reported that, 3 months after his arrest, he had multiple marks of torture and injuries all over his body.

  • Persian2English posted the International Committee Against Execution’s (ICAE) list of 56 political prisoners awaiting execution in Iran in full, in Farsi and in English.

Friday 5 February

  • Mourning Mothers issued a statement objecting to the executions of political protesters, execution sentences for several political prisoners and demanding the revocation of death sentences for political prisoners. They also demanded the release of prisoners of conscience and trials for those: “who were responsible for and who ordered their children’s murders”.

  • Morteza Samyari, student, tried during the 3rd Ashura sessions, allowed a family visit.

  • 40 days after his arrest the family of Omid Ali Mehrnia, the 70-year-old retired school teacher, arrested and accused of being connected to the MKO,  issued a statement about his ailing health.

  • The husband of Bahareh Hedayat’s (from Advar Tahkim Vahdat Organization) continues to try to visit her in Evin Prison - she is not allowed visitors and has only been allowed one telephone contact since her arrest.

  • Touran Kabiri & Kaveh Darolshafa, arrested on 4 February, released. Yashar Darolshafa arrested hours before his mother and his brother, remains in prison – no charges have yet been made.

  • Koohyar Gudarzi, Shiva Nazar Ahari, Mehrdad Rahimi and Parisa Kakayi, four members of the CHRR (Committee of Human Rights Reporters), allowed a family visit in  Evin Prison.

  • Amnesty International issued appeals letters, for the seven members of the CHRR being detained in Tehran amid fears they will be forced to confess to crimes leading to conviction of mohareb, leading to execution.

Saturday 6 February

Sunday 7 February

  • Arash Rahmanipour’s family were pressured not to hold a funeral and memorial service for their recently executed son.

  • Ali Kalayi arrested at Emam Ali military college. Eighth CHRR journalist to be arrested. The seven previously arrested are detained in Evin Prison. The complete list : Shiva Nazar-Ahari, Koohyar Gudarzi, Saeed Jalaifar, Parisa Kakayi, Saeed Kalanaki, Saeed Ha’eri, Mehrdad Rahimi and Ali Kalayi.

  • Saleh Noghrehkar, Zahra Rahnavard’s nephew and an adviser to Mousavi’s presidential campaign, told to present himself to Evin officials to answer questions.

  • Hamideh Ghasemi, (student Tehran University) arrested on Wednesday 3 February by agents from the Intelligence Ministry. However, her family only found out about her arrest on 7 February.

  • Abdolreza Tajik, journalist imprisoned at Evin since Ashura, reported to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown following the execution of his cellmate Arash Rahmanipoor.

  • Ehsan Mehrabi, parliamentary correspondent of Farhikhtegan harrested at his home. No word on his location and that of others apparently arrested on the same day.

  • Siyamak Nadali, the former secretary of Lorestan University islamic student association, arrested by agents from the Intelligence Ministry.

  • Prominent journalist Emadeddin Baghi remains in solitary confinement, unable to receive visitors, in ward 240 of Evin prison despite the fact that his interrogation has reportedly ended.

  • Journalist and One Million Signatures Campaign (OMSC) member Somayeh Momeni arrested by Ministry of Intelligence agents.

  • Mohammad Yousef Rashidi (expelled Amir Kabir University student) moved to public section 7, along with 40 other prisoners.

*Hat-tip to friends, too many to mention, and to Persian2English, Amnesty International, RAHANA (Reporters and Human Rights Activists in Iran), ICHRR (Iran Committee of Human Rights Reporters)
RAHANA (Reporters and Human Rights Activists in Iran)