Middle East/North Africa Analysis: The Rise of a "Civic Islamism"? (Sadiki)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 10:09
Scott Lucas in Africa, EA Global, EA Middle East and Turkey, Egypt, Ennadha Party, Libya, Middle East and Iran, Muslim Brotherhood, Rachid Ghannouchi, Syria, Tunisia

Rachid Ghannounchi, leader of Tunisia's EnnadhaLarbi Sadiki writes for Al Jazeera English:

The Arab Spring has catapulted Islamists onto centre-stage - in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. Sooner or later, Syria will follow. This dynamic is not going to go away. It is therefore apposite to know how the Arab Spring has, if at all, transformed Islamism and how, in turn, Islamism is transforming the Arab Spring.

Categories, boxes and labels

Civic Islamism is linked with the novelty of the context, the Arab Spring, and the new dynamic of legalised Islamism as in Egypt and Tunisia. Civic Islamism displays features of impressive organisation for the contest of power, coupled with an aptitude to penetrate secular civil society through coalition-building with non-Islamists.

Only through inclusion, competition, participation and the tests of "power", will this force learn to moderate its politics, gradually learning to take its place amongst the progenitors of civic politics in the Arab spring states. 

Civic Islamism will find itself subject to two forms of contestation.

Comparing the Muslim Brotherhood and Ennahdha

I use here four dimensions which will clarify how to understand this phenomenon in the heart of the geography of the Arab Spring.

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