Bin Laden Audio: Scott Lucas on the BBC "Assassination, Conspiracy Theories, and Bad PR"
Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at 21:30
Scott Lucas in Afghanistan, Al Qa'eda, BBC Shropshire, BBC West Midlands, EA Afghanistan-Pakistan, EA USA, India and Pakistan, Osama bin Laden, US Foreign Policy

Two appearances today on the BBC, both moving from the killing of Osama bin Laden to questions of how the US carried out the operation (was it a planned operation?) and pictures of the dead Al Qa'eda leader (should they be released?).

My wider point: the importance of the escalating questions does not lie in any conspiracy theory. Instead, they point to the tension in the US-Pakistani relationship and problems for the American position in the country. If these are not addressed soon, any US "victory" from the death of Bin Laden will soon be replaced by a "defeat" for the American position in Pakistan.

BBC Shropshire: Audio is at the 2:08.08 mark

BBC West Midlands: Audio is at the 1:08.00 mark

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