Iraq Analysis: Protests, Politics, & A Prisoner Release --- Scott Lucas with Monocle 24
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 8:51
Scott Lucas in EA Middle East and Turkey, Iraq, Middle East and Iran

Prisoners Freed on MondayI spoke with Monocle 24's The Daily last night about this week's release of 335 prisoners by the al-Maliki Government in an apparent concession to weeks of protests across the country, with mostly-Sunni demonstrators challenging discrimination, anti-terrorism laws, and incidents like last month's raids on the offices and house of Minister of Finance Rafa al-Issawi.

The interview moves from the specifics of the prisoner release to ask, "Will the step make any difference to the political conflict?"

My answer: Probably Not.

The interview begins at the 08:39 mark.

Article originally appeared on EA WorldView (
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