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Afghanistan Witness: The Hard Realities in Helmand Province (Steele)

Claims that UK and US forces --- and through them the Afghan government --- now control most of Helmand are exaggerated. Until you visit the area, it is hard to envisage that their presence is actually confined to a few towns in this rural province. They sit in a series of security bubbles labelled "main bases", "forward operating bases" and "patrol bases", each of diminishing size, with the patrol bases home to anything from a dozen to 100 troops. The latest tactic is to set up "line of sight" checkpoints, mainly manned by Afghan police, on the roads between towns so that travellers are always watched. Local government offices are also located in guarded compounds where, for safety reasons, officials often live as well as work.

PRT officials and military spokesmen use various phrases to define success. The government has "extended its reach", or "can now exert influence" or "has a presence" in this or that new district. Every press release makes the same point.

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Announcement: Limited Coverage Until Saturday

Dear folks, due to the fact that Prof. Scott Lucas's daughter has been admitted to hospital with appendicitis, there will be very limited coverage until Saturday. 


Iran Issues Travel Advisory: "Canada is a Very Dangerous Place"

The latest case involves the violent reaction of Canadian police against popular protests and the arrest of hundreds of people in the Summer of 2010. According to reports filed by human rights groups, those who were arrested were denied their most basic civil rights. Reports about threats of rape have been widely printed in local and government publications.

The Islamic Republic of Iran will use all legal means to protect its citizens in foreign countries, including in Canada. But it's vital that due to the violent behavior of the Canadian government against Iranian citizens, our dear compatriots who are planning to travel to Canada take these warnings seriously.

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The Latest from Iran (19 November): Politics and Human Rights

1225 GMT: Your Friday Prayer Summary. Hojatoleslam Kazem Seddiqi taking the pulpit today, and he has an interesting call to economic arms for the faithful: the Government's subsidy cuts plan deserves the "efforts and sacrfices" of the people.

In case you think that message is a sign of regime nerves, Seddiqi got back to safer ground with declaration that the people had unitied to defeat sedition after the 2009 Presidential election. He also praised the formation of a government in Iraq.

0915 GMT: Diversion Alert. The editors of The Washington Post, meanwhile, would be much happier if we could all just keep our eyes focused on bombs: "Why Give Iran a Reason Not to Fear a Military Attack?"

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US Politics Analysis: America Boldly Moves Ahead with "Parliamentary" Gridlock

During the next Congress, which begins in January, we will witness a new politics. There is a change in the way business is done in Washington, brought about by the modern communications revolution.

The traditional role of backroom compromise and negotiation, which epitomised the American two-party system of government, is over. By accident rather than design, the US is setting out on a road that will end in the nation developing a parliamentary-style government, where the party in the minority oppose the policies of the majority administration almost automatically. For the foreseeable future, the US will be characterised by divisive and acrimonious politics on a scale never before seen.

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Iran Document: Lawyer Shadi Sadr "What Do We Mean By Violations of Human Rights?"

In truth, what are we speaking of when we talk about violations of human rights in Iran? Here it is exactly: we speak of a lengthy list of examples of violations of human rights in Iran that take place, that are widespread and systematic, in an increasing manner in all the areas, from women’s rights to ethnic minority rights, from children’s rights to religious minority rights, from freedom of expression and association to homosexual rights. However, today I do not wish to speak of this lengthy yet general list. Instead, I wish to express what human rights means for me, what I am speaking of when I talk about violations of human rights in Iran. Today, I wish to speak of those details that usually don’t come to mind, of the names, the faces, the people.

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Israel Analysis: A 90-Day Agreement on Settlements with the US?

According to officials, the draft of the agreement with Washington commits Israel to halting all building in the West Bank and coordinating any plans for East Jerusalem construction with the US over the three months. This likley means that construction will continue only in the Jewish quarter of the Old City, as Israel agrees to discussing the status of borders with the Palestinians.

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The EA Community: Our Comment Policy

After much discussion, we are posting EA WorldView's comment policy.

The policy is a set of guidelines to help ensure that everyone enjoys commenting on our posts. We have also included some information about the Disqus system, including how to subscribe to comments, how to share your comments elsewhere, and how to make sure your comments appear immediately. The policy is published in a separate entry and can be accessed via the "Navigation' box"in the right-hand sidebar.


War on Terror: 1st Trial of Guantanamo Detainee --- 1 Conviction, 279 Acquittals

In the first trial in criminal court of a Guantanamo Bay detainee, Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani was acquitted yesterday on 279 of 280 charges over the 1998 bombing of the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

This, however, was not the most extraordinary news of the day. Instead, it was the reaction --- aided by a compliant US media --- that the case highlights "whether civilian courts are appropriate for trying terrorists". In other words, rights can only be upheld and due process of law observed when the outcome of Guilty is pre-ordained.

Indeed, if the media wanted to stand up to those trying to use the outcome to ensure that Guantanamo Bay remains open indefinitely, it might put forth the primary reason why it was not possible to establish Ghailani's guilt: evidence obtained by torture was not allowed by the trial judge.

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The Latest from Iran (18 November): Friends Again?

1750 GMT: No Hypocrisy at All Alert. Shayan Ghajar, writing for insideIRAN, summarised what we have been noting for weeks: "Iran Begins Media Campaign to Highlight West’s “Human Rights Abuses".

Press TV's latest contribution is an on-line poll:

About the human rights situation in the United States, do you think………

A) There is the largest number of human rights violation cases in this country?

B) There is the least number of human rights violation cases in this country?

C) There are as many human rights violation cases in this country as in any other country but the international body should exercise constant supervision over it?

(Current position: A --- 50%; B --- 24%; C --- 26%)

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