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Sarah Palin: I Can See North Korea (and Military $$$$) From My House

palinA press release from our favourite Alaska Governor, Hockey Mom, and failed Vice-Presidential candidate:

I am deeply concerned with North Korea’s development and testing program which has clear potential of impacting Alaska, a sovereign state of the United States, with a potentially nuclear armed warhead. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is that we continue to develop and perfect the global missile defense network. Alaska’s strategic location and the system in place here have proven invaluable in defending the nation.

Palin was deterred in no way from her brave statement by the fact that North Korea's launch was a failure and that the satellite under development was a threat to the placid water of the Pacific Ocean rather than Wasilla or Anchorage or even Juneau. This may be due to her astute financial as well as scientific calculations:
Governor Palin stressed the importance of Fort Greely and the need for continued funding for the Missile Defense Agency. The governor is firmly against U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’ proposed $1.4 billion reduction of the Missile Defense Agency....Governor Palin also requested stimulus funding for the Kodiak Launch Complex. The Kodiak Launch Complex is a commercial rocket launch facility for sub-orbital and orbital space launch vehicles owned and operated by the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation, a public corporation of the State of Alaska.

Remember, when the other guy pushes for backyard spending, it's "pork". When Sister Sarah does it, it is "to defend the critical assets of the United States and our allies in the Pacific Theater".

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Reader Comments (2)

Incidentally, that $1.4 billion isn't coming out of Alaska, it's coming out of Huntsville, AL where all the people who work at MDA actually live, but don't think they won't miss those dark, frigid three-week stints in the barren Alaska wildnerness away from their families! Missile Defense FTW!

April 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUJ

Did she SERIOUSLY feel it was necessary to explain that Alaska is "a sovereign state of the United States"? ("Ohhh... THAT Alaska").

Perhaps it was so that her supporters would not confuse it with "Alaska, a 'baked' dessert served at fancy restaurants."

Or perhaps she wanted to use the name "Alaska" and the word "sovereign" in the same sentence, as a sop to her separatist pals. With whom she 'pals around'.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCraig Smith

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