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China Update: Celebrating Ai Weiwei (Despite House Arrest)

EA reported yesterday on the house arrest of artist and architectural designer Ai Weiwei, imposed on the social activist when he protested the destruction of his Shanghai studio.

Despite his detention, hundreds of people visited the studio on Sunday for a "River Crab Feast" --- a word play on the Government's declaration of "harmony" --- before its demolition.

Authorities in Shanghai said the structure had not gone through the proper application procedures, but critics believe that the studio was condemned because of the discomfort caused by Ai's activism.

Zhou Shuguang, 29, traveled from his home in Changsha in Hunan Province in central China to visit the studio.

"Although I heard that Ai was under house arrest, I wasn't scared because as a visitor, I just come to the party to have fun by myself. We are not being investigated by anyone. I don't believe the police will detain us," he said.

Each participant was served with a river crab, and also received two ceramic sunflower seeds, replicas of the hundred million ceramic sunflower seeds currently on exhibition at the Tate Modern Gallery's Turbine Hall in London. 

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