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Entries in Censorship (2)


Linking to Wikileaks in Australia? The Fine is A$11,000

wikileaksFor those of us assessing US foreign and military policy, Wikileaks is an essential site. Amongst its scrutiny of governments, churches, and corporations, it posts American documents that offer insight into the past, present, and future of the Government's approach to international affairs. Only last month we featured Wikileaks' release of a NATO memorandum that laid out the propaganda line for the Afghanistan conflict, including the revelation:
”Opposing Militant Forces” is the correct term [for Afghan insurgents] but is not suitable for use with the media. Depending on the audience and the group being referred to, the phrases militants/insurgents/extremists/Taleban extremists/enemies of Afghanistan may be used.

Well, good thing we're coming out of Birmingham rather than Brisbane because a link to Wikileaks in Australia can be punished with a fine of $11,000 Australian ($7250 American). It has been added to a list of almost 1400 sites, mostly with pornographic content, that are blacklisted.

Ironically, Wikileaks earned its place in Australian censorship by revealing a secret Danish list of banned sites. And both appropriately and ironically, it was Wikileaks that revealed the news of its own banning, noting in Fight Club fashion, "The first rule of censorship is that you cannot talk about censorship."

Top Iranian Children's TV: Ahmadinejad and the Stuffed Monkey

amoo-pourangAccording to The Guardian:

So there is this kids' programme in Iran called Amoo Pourang (Uncle Pourang), watched by millions three times a week. The presenter is talking to a young caller, who says his father has given him a stuffed monkey for good behaviour.

"What is the monkey's name?" asks the presenter.

"Well, my father calls him Ahmadinejad."

Result? After a seven-year run, the final episode of Amoo Pourang will air next week. It has been cancelled because of the "high financial and spiritual damage" it has caused, including the incident in which "a child in a live telephone line compared its doll to one of the well-known authorities and managers".

The monkey named Ahmadinejad may have been the breaking point for Amoo Pourang, but it pales in comparison with another incident. This time, the well-meaning presenter asked a child to hand the phone to his father or mother.

"They are in the shower," was the reply.