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Live Blog: When the Honeymoon is Over (Part 1)

My soundbite from the British-American Business Council this morning: "Amidst talk of a President Obama as a symbol of American unity, I think it's important to remember that a significant minority of Americans are not only sceptical of but hostile to him. A lot of this arises from the polarisation of American politics in outlets like talk radio, certain television stations, and 'pundits'. I expect the sniping to begin within days."

Hours actually. I've just returned from media work and the Business Council to flip on CNN, where they ponder, "Barack Obama talks of a bridge across the aisle. But, as conservatives ponder their defeat, is such a bridge possible?"

Their Exhibit A? A talk show host, Doc Thompson, of WRVA in Richmond, Virginia. "It's not time to talk of a bridge. We have to talk ourselves down from the ledge....Barack Obama is awful, awful for conservatives, John McCain a little less so."

Meanwhile Fox News puts on an African-American pundit to establish that Obama will raises taxes and asks, "How far left will Barack Obama go?"

Footnote: That fella who hosts Fox and Friends adds, "I think we are going to see the rehabilitation of George Bush." Nice dynamic this: talk Dubya up while taking his successor down.

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