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Entries in Scott Lucas (4)


Save Our Universities: Join EA's Campaign Against Dangerous Leftie Professors

Why We Love Conservapedia: Outing Dangerous Professors

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RED MENACEAs our loyal readers know, Enduring America devotes itself to ensuring that truth, apple pie, and the American Way are promoted on these pages. Unfortunately, others do not appreciate these values. Even today, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the demise of Fidel Castro, and the emergence of Glenn Beck as Ruler of the Media Universe,there are professors lingering in our classroom to spread their Marxist, truthiness-denying, baby-stealing ideas.

Fear not, Dear Reader. The patriots of The Leadership Institute, which is an institute that leads, have established a website called Campus Reform to purge these Red evildoers. (Yes, yes, Stalin and the Chinese had purges. But this is a Very Good Purge.) On this site, you can read, "Don't Let America Drift to Communism", "Support a Reformer" (Yes, yes, Lenin and Mao had reforms. But this is a Very Good Reform.), and, most importantly, "Take Back Your Campus" by naming, shaming, and running Leftie Professors out of town.

EA, your defender of Creationist Good Sense, supports this valiant campaign. Our first target is a nasty piece of work called Professor Scott Lucas at Vanderbilt University. He has been outed by a true Red, White, & Blue student, a Mr Graham Sheehan, as "an extremely dangerous lecturer, writer, and activist who should only be approached with caution", because of his "tactic amassing evidence in support of his analysis, overwhelming faith-based assertions".

It's easy, Dear Reader. Just sign in to Campus Reform, make yourself an honorary member of Vanderbilt University, and add your flag-waving comments. With your help, EA can drive this Lucas fellow into the Red academic hole where he belongs, reducing his rantings to some obscure website.


Reading Afghanistan and Iran: Scott Lucas on "The Beautiful Truth" Radio

The Latest from Iran (23 October): A Government Counter-Attack?
Understanding “Mr Obama’s Wars”: Five Essential Analyses on Afghanistan and Pakistan

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AF-IRAN MONTAGEI had an excellent 45-minute discussion with Fintan Dunne yesterday on Break for News' "The Beautiful Truth" radio, considering the  situation in Afghaistan amidst the negotiations on the Presidential election and in Iran amidst the Sunday bombings and the latest political manoeuvres.

Listen to broadcast (DSL)....
Listen to broadcast (dial-up)....

Understanding "Mr Obama's Wars": Five Essential Analyses on Afghanistan and Pakistan

Afghanistan: Here is What Will Happen (in 4 Sentences)
Afghanistan: The Real Importance of The“Non-Story” of 13,000 Support Troops

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AFGHANISTAN PAKISTAN FLAGSAmidst the latest uncertainties over Afghanistan's Presidential election and the proposed US military escalation, amidst Pakistan's latest highly-proclaimed offensive against the Pakistani Taliban in Waziristan, the New Americanist makes a timely intervention with five essays considering and critiquing the local, regional, and international significances of the "Af-Pak" issue.

Included are Scott Lucas on the confusions of US strategy, Andrew Johnston on the tensions of "global disorder" for both the US and Canada, Artemy Kalinovsky on the lessons of the Soviet experience, Giles Scott-Smith on the collapse of national sovereignty and the rule of law, and a response to those ideas by Marilyn Young.

Read the collection "Obama and the Af-Pak Question"....

Britain, the US, and Torture: Scott Lucas on BBC (16 October)

Britain, the US, and Torture: David Miliband is Still a Liar

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MICROPHONEWithin hours of the British court order for the release of documents connected with the alleged torture of detainee Binyam Mohamed, and British Foreign Minister David Miliband's insistence that release of the material would risk the US-UK intelligence relationship, I spoke with Peter Allen of BBC Radio 5 about the case (and, yes, I did use the word "lie" with reference to Mr Miliband). The interview starts just before the 2:20.00 mark.