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Today's EA Guide to Twitter: How to Watch Your Kids

The posting of this story is in no way connected with my relationship with a son who is a teenager and a daughter who thinks she is:

Facebook, Twitter Revolutionizing How Parents Stalk Their College-Aged Kids

Reader Comments (3)

[...] this page was mentioned by John montoya (@screwthemullahs), Enduring America (@eanewsfeed) and others. [...]

And it's only just started! Enjoy, my friend.

September 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Matlin

I'm glad I'm not a kid or young adult today. But I do understand parental concerns. Dorm life is so damn destructive. And the worst part is that the colleges and universities don't care.

September 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDave

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