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Libya Snapshot: A Regime Show --- "We Know We Are Moral" (with Congratulations to William & Kate)

Throughout Friday, there was a cyber-battle between those who celebrated the Royal Wedding of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton and those who saw it is a distraction from the real news of developments in North Africa and the Middle East.

But what if the events could be brought together?

Last night the Libyan regime attempted that resolution, in an unusual press conference by spokesman Moussa Ibrahim.

Ibrahim began with the offer that insurgents who surrendered by Tuesday will be "forgiven, reintegrated into society, and offered physical & psychological help if needed". He insisted that most of the 2000 tribes in Libya backed the regime, and a national conference of all 2000 tribes next Thursday would provide proof. 

He explained: "We don't care what people think. We know we are moral. We know we are truthful. We want peace, peace, peace." 

In the cause of that morality and peace, Ibrahim explained that the port of Misurata, held by the opposition, was now closed to all traffic, and any aid ships wanting to enter must co-ordinate with the regime.

All straight-forward spokesman stuff. But a surprise was about to be sprung....

It was foreshadowed, just after Ibrahim proclaimed, "Peace, peace, peace", when a girl walked onto the stage, trying to speak to Ibrahim. She was ushered away.

Who was she? What important intervention could she be making?

The press got its answer after Ibrahim finished his statement. A group of children took the platform with posters and this message to Prince William and his new bride, "Under heavy NATO airstrikes we congratulate you."

A reporter for Britain's Sky News could only note, "Very, very odd and slightly disturbing."

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