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Entries in Rafeeq (2)


Syria 1st-Hand: Not Quite Angels --- Making the Free Syrian Army Work as An Institution (Rafeeq)

Rebels are not angels. They sometimes act according to their own perception of what is right. They come from different backgrounds, and many are civilians who have never lived a military life.

Many lack the experience needed to handle with extreme situations.

Since its inception, the FSA has been trying to mitigate individual mistakes by training its members and allocating them individual roles. 

Despite the difficult circumstances, rebels, activists and residents are working toward making the FSA work as an institution.

We have so far been succeeding because we have faith in it.

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Syria Diary: "We Are Completely Trapped in Homs" (Rafeeq)

The destruction in the Jouret al-Shayyah section of Homs

Today, July 3, marks the 26th day since the siege on the opposition-stronghold neighbourhoods in Homs began.

Three out of the four roads that connected us to other neighbourhoods in the city had been blocked throughout that period.

But on Tuesday, the Syrian army blocked the fourth road.

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